

02.08.2025 Added Blog + Blog Entries. Slight page refresh across the board.
01.30 - 02.02.2025: New index page. Revised site to work with Markdown/Eleventy.


12.14 - 12.26.2024: Revised OC page, added a gallery page.
12.11.2024: Navbar fix! Revised to have dropdown menu.
11.29.2024: Moved links around. Revised about page.
07.03.2024: Artfight: I'm on seafoam! You can find my artfight profile here.
07.03.2024: Site is now live!
06.21.2024: Added banner art using Bryce art I commissioned from Vinders!
06.08.2024: Figured out the code for the OC gallery.
06.04.2024: Took a break, trying to get site live as soon as I can.


12.27.2023: Updated sitemap links.
12.19.2023: Got a little burnt out working on the site but slowly trying to update!
7.21.2023: Working on links in about, credits, and resources.
*7.20.2023: Bought a domain and linked it to neocities.
7.19.2023: Added Comic Pages! Custom CSS for Zelda comic.
7.17.2023: Site planning/mapping.
7.10.2023: Site Creation!